Direct Process Technologies (DP) was first launched two years ago and is rapidly expanding to encompass many solutions for Language Service Providers. The germ of the idea came from a conference of Localization Industry Project Managers who gathered to discuss the challenges that they faced in a rapidly evolving industry. When working with large client bases and providing ranges of ever more complex localization tasks, it was very clear that some new approaches had to be taken to how all the different facets of their work is being handled.
Having closely viewed all the offerings from the large players who were beginning to come up at that time, and WorldServer being the first large scale project of this type, the Project Manager collective agreed that the high cost, and perceived down sides of the systems needed a whole new and different set of solutions.
By designing from the ground up, Direct Process was born out of the insight of the people actually at the front of Localization Project Management, and linked in to the agency requirements to provide the full package that supports the objective of meeting client's growing expectations of the translation industry.
Working with a can-do attitude, the developers have been taking direction exclusively from localization industry professionals with years of experience.
Direct Process Technologies offers a solution for Translation Agencies and companies that offers:
* CRM for Lead, Prospect, and Client tracking
* Vendor management and resources registration
* Quotation creation and tracking
* Project evaluation and reporting systems
* Resources management and assignment
* Costs recording and tracking for inhouse processes
* Creation and tracking of purchase orders for external resources
* Margin analysis
* Accounting facilities for invoices and accounts receivable
Additional benefits of the system are a dashboard showing
* order levels for previous months
* comparisons for year on year sales
* orders to date and for calendar periods
* orders per client and client ranking
* most productive languages and profitability on a language by language basis
* orders production tracking and performance by resource
and hosts of other "real world" information recorded and tracked in "real time" for the benefit of the Production Manager, company administrator staff, and "C" level managers.
The major benefit of the system is undoubtedly its basic simplicity. There is no need to download or install any software. All the information is available online through secure servers and available anywhere there is an internet connection. No risk, no IT footprint, minimal training required, and, best of all - no affiliation with a large localization competitor company.
And at what cost? The major significance of Direct Process Technologies services are that they have been tailored to be for the benefit of the people who actually do the work and at a budget that is clearly affordable. No large up front costs, quick access and implementation, and ongoing support. |