It’s a smaller and smaller world
You are competing with cheap labor from China and India. How can you leverage your top-notch industry skills from a high-cost Western location? Direct Process allows your company to make the most of your time and resources by giving totally secure access to your information and management tools from anywhere with internet access. The online advantage reduces your office costs, labor costs, and internal infrastructure
requirements. |
Don’t get left behind in the computer-aided translation revolution!
Development of computer aided translation through the compilation of translation memories is going on at an ever increasing pace. Direct Process allows you to maintain your valuable legacy translations centrally and with the flexibility to use a variety of CAT tools so that you can maximize your use of existing resource pools.
Save money - Reduce overhead
In buoyant times, a price of US$50,000 for
Across had been regarded as a necessary
investment in order for companies to stay in front and maintain their customer share. Interesting to note how this headlong rush to giant third party systems suddenly stopped as the world economy tanked. Direct Process is the solution to such high cost alternatives and gives you all the benefits of more elaborate systems with flexible, realistic per user fees and you only pay for what you use. Expansion as and when you need it is then easily factored into the cost of production
as your company grows. |
Don’t get squeezed out of the
localization business!
Many have speculated that the online systems of Across, SDL, and Freeway have one end game—to get smaller localization companies to post their hard won resources and customers into their proprietary system. Is the next move to then squeeze out those smaller players and monopolize the translation and localization business? Are you prepared to take that risk? Direct Process allows you absolute and independent control over all the processes, resources, and customer data that your business has invested so heavily to build up over the years. |
A FULL solution for your industry
Direct Process handles everything it says it does. It is not subdivided into multiple modules of functionality only to increase your costs. Sign up today and you have the full system today—a complete secure solution immediately. |
Streamlined processes
Seamlessly move your project from client enquiry, file upload, project evaluation and analysis, quotation, file engineering, hand off to resources, receipt of processed files, QA processes and final delivery. Manage the smallest project through to multi-file, multi-step, multi-resource projects with the same level of ease, security, and efficiency. |
A smaller IT footprint for your enterprise
Managing localization projects professionally is your forte and you have years of experience doing so. Your clients are loyal and you enjoy a good business relationship. Maintaining your customer loyalty, and expanding your market share in an ever more competitive environment is today's challenge. Companies in low cost countries now have the ability to access your market space, and are very keen to eat your lunch. So, how to lower cost without affecting your ability to professionally serve your clients? |